Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
This amazing Food Truck from Orange City, Iowa, specializes in BBQ pulled pork, brisket, mac & cheese, bratwurst, and the most amazing loaded baked potatoes!!!
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
(This event is sold out! Next class on April 30th.) Divine Oil Co. will bring 50+ scents for you to mix and match and create your very own custom scent. You will be guided through making two 8 oz candles. Divine Oil Co. will also have some additional items to shop while your candles set… Read more
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
This amazing Food Truck from Orange City, Iowa, specializes in BBQ pulled pork, brisket, mac & cheese, bratwurst, and the most amazing loaded baked potatoes!!!
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
This amazing Food Truck from Orange City, Iowa, specializes in BBQ pulled pork, brisket, mac & cheese, bratwurst, and the most amazing loaded baked potatoes!!! (Pronounced WOW-d-stra – you’ll be saying Wow! What great food!)
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
Join us for our first “Sip & Plant!” Bill & Rhonda Brandt from Brandt Gardens & Greenhouse will be in the lower level Vineyard View ready for you with their beautiful succulents, cacti & houseplants! Come anytime between 1-5pm, but come early for the best selection! The Brandts will be bringing hundreds of containers for… Read more
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
It's time for our quarterly members' wine pick-up event! Always a fun day! We've got some surprises for you - like usual!! Cheers! This month marks our 5th year in business!! And we’re ready to celebrate!! Join us for our Leo James Wine Club on Monday, April 15th, from 3-8pm for your quarterly 3-pack pickup… Read more
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
One Monday a month, Oscar Carl is hosting a vendor pop-up from 5-8pm. This is outside of our usual "open" time so it is dedicated to SHOPPING!! Along with wine and socializing, of course!!! "Pop-Up Monday Shopping" or "PMS" for short, occurs every 21-28 days. This month it’s April 22nd. We’re working hard to build… Read more
Oscar Carl Vineyard 1473 Buchanan Ave, Sioux City, IA, United States
Look what we've got for next week's "Tuesdays Together" event! Just in time for Mother's Day! Paint your very own "Quarter Flower" with some help from professional artist and muralist Kipp Davis. Right here at Oscar Carl! Tuesday, April 23rd, at 6pm. Click on the link for tickets. We'll be painting in the Board Room… Read more